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Executive profiling is one of the most underused communications tools that start-ups and tech companies have in their toolbox. It’s something that many leaders will instinctively look to do when they’re creating their company’s internal culture.

Why Use Executive Profiling?

People connect with those who share the same ideas and values as them. That’s why we chose to buy with certain brands for example. Building up the profile of your executives builds your brand and provides a credible human connection point. It also provides another channel of communication for key messages and marketing activity

Does Parabolic Tech facilitate Executive Profiling? 

Parabolic Tech spends a lot of time dealing with highly technical topics. It’s so easy to get involved in the efficiencies and specifications that you forget to translate that to the outside world. When you have a spokesperson sitting down to write and speak on a topic, they automatically adapt what they say for their audience. If you want to sell your solutions you’ll need the buy-in of senior, often non-technical, stakeholders, like the CFO and the COO. A strong executive profile acts as the bridge between the products you sell and the people who buy them.

Executive profiling services can include:

  • Psychometric assessments of ability or aptitude
  • Personality, motivation, emotional intelligence and team role profiling
  • Competency-based interviews
  • Behavioral assessment through exercises including presentations, analysis exercises, fact-finds, role plays and written exercises

Parabolic Tech uses the science of psychometrics accompanied by behavioral interviewing techniques to give an accurate assessment of your executives.  In combination, these assessments can provide a profile of the Board’s capability. Our Executive Profiling determines whether executives and the Board have the capability required to deliver the strategy and build the brand.  These assessments can then be used to inform decisions and actions regarding both the development and recruitment of executives. 

How Can We Help You?

Need to bounce off ideas for an upcoming project or digital campaign? Looking to transform your business with the implementation of full potential digital marketing?

For any career inquiries, please visit our careers page here.